How to Kill the Blue Criptid in the Beast From Beyond

The End?

For starters, if you have completed all of the other ones before this one, you would be able to get into directors cut when you finish this easter egg. If not you will be able to get into it once you have done the last easter egg you need.

Once again, turn the power on for this map to be able to start this up. However, when you first get in, you will have an assault rifle and these little beasts called "Cryptids" coming after you, they are endless until you get the power on. Afterwards, you would just need to finish the rest of them off. When they are dealt with, the real the zombies start coming in. Until then, after so many kills with these things, the round will go higher to where more zombies would spawn in at a time.

The only thing I could say is like you would with the zombies, just keep moving and double track when you're ready to shoot them. Unlike zombies, you can't train them, so shoot a little lower than their faces(?) to kill them. As you see in the video, I only went through three doors, two 750 and one 1250 (could be different prices in co-op). At the 1250 door, I stopped and camped there, since they only keep jumping up from one spot. I did this until I had enough to open the other two doors and turn the power on, even though I did go down at the end from not realising that there was more than I thought chasing me, and so I went the wrong direction because of that. You will also want to take out a few of them every now and again, or keep running until you have a good space to backtrack and hit a few before you have to dodge and run some more.

Once you get the power on, you can now get the Easter Egg up and running. To start, you will need to get the four floppy discs whilst also starting up the ghost and skull challenge (you don't need to complete it just do about the first 2 steps in it).

Run around the map and look for a power box in one of the three locations, you will need to open it by cooking a grenade, then shoot the green skull when it pops out:


From the spawn, go to the last door you open for NEIL's head, then go to the back left of the water room:


From the 2nd door you open, to get to NEIL's head, go down the stairs and go all the way down to the back of the room. To the right, you should see it up on the wall:


The last spot will be in the Cargo Bay area (a door you run past to get to the 2nd door). Go down the stairs on the right side and look right behind you for the last spot:


When you do get the skull, you will now need to look for a red X around the Cargo room. They are small and very easy to miss, so double-check the area. Depending on how many players you have in the game will determine how many X's will need to stand on. You will know you are standing on it correctly if you have a green circle around you. You can't leave this area until the red skull in the middle of the room is fully raised and a green skull pops up somewhere in the room. The zombies will try to knock you out and kill you, so if that happens, then you will need to go for it in the next round. One will be at the top when you first come in, whilst the other three will be down below on the 2nd-floor:


When the Entangler appears, you should have 2 skulls. Use it and keep it with you for the rest of the Easter Egg. But for now, I would suggest doing the steps for getting the Pack-A-Punch here if you haven't already. There are three pieces you need to get. At first, you would think they are just items that you can't pick up. Go to the water room and go up the steps past the location of the skull from earlier:


Turn right as soon as you get through the door and you'll see it:


Go back into the Cargo Bay and you'll see the 2nd piece next to the stairs, at the very bottom:


Now, near the top where you first enter is a button to push that will open the portal on the opposite side. Go through it and you will get an achievement:


Follow the path and stay to the left. Go through the door and keep following the path until you see the piece on the car:


Head back the way you came and go all the way back to the hallway outside of the Cargo Bay, then follow the path on the lower part to get to a bridge that needs to be repaired:


Once inside, turn around and leave. Now you should have a blue cryptid coming after you. Just kill it and it will drop another floppy disc for you. Before you leave this area, head back to the Pack-A-Punch machine and look to the left. Close to the portal, you should see a floppy disc on the ground waiting there for you:

Make sure you do not put these floppies in until you find the scrap of paper you need.


Go back to the Cargo Bay. Turn around and you will see a red light coming from a window in the hallway (one that is in the picture below), use the Entangler to get that floppy disc. When you do pick it up, with the gun, you will need to look around the map for vents and find it in front of one of them. The main ones you will get are the 4 close to the window but there are others vents you could get that are farther away so just keep an eye on that:


You will need to grab a white helmet, which can be anywhere on the map (I've always seemed to find one at the spawn), then head to the door with the force field in the Medical Bay. You can follow the medic signs to help you if you're lost. Now, just throw the helmet to the green monitor at the back of the room to gain access to it:


You will need to go and look for the scrap of paper which has the code you need to input to NEIL. All you need to do is look around and find one piece of paper that has all 4 floppy symbols (each symbol will be on the bottom left side by your character picture).

Two locations will be in the spawn. One will be on a wall by the mystery wheel:


Turn a little to the right and you will see a yellow ladder:


Head back out and follow the path you took to get the power switch, you will see this table with 4 ripped pieces of paper on it. I've marked which one goes with which to make things easier:


If you still haven't found the piece you need, go to the main room where you jump down a hole, but don't jump this time. Instead, look for the stairs. The last few will be on a table at the top:


When you have gotten the right piece of paper, you will want to read it either top to bottom, or left to right, depends on which way the symbols are going on the paper. Input the correct code into NEIL. He will get angry and all the doors and traps will go off randomly. Input the wrong code and you get a bunch of crypts coming after you. You would also unlock another achievement if you haven't gotten to this point before:

The next part you would need to do is to head to the theatre. There will be a button on a wall:


You will need to use the Entangler to move it from that wall over to the poster, then let it get engulfed by it.


This part is glitchy still, but if done right, the button won't be on the wall but instead, will be under a table in the medic room off to the left. When you enter the door that had the forcefield up, press the button. There will be a bunch of levers on a wall in the other room with the medic table. You will need to take a screenshot then move all of the levers from vertical to horizontal. If that doesn't work, then move all them all back and move the original horizontal levers to vertical. When you have something pop up saying you have hacked NEIL, you will have a few minutes to go and grab his head with the Entangler and move him to the Pack-A-Punch portal. It should be on the computer in the room.

At this point, you will now need to get ready for the boss fight. Make sure you have all of your perks, fresh cards, and ammo. When you're ready, hold cn_X on NEIL's head, and the boss fight will start. It's ideal to get either the Maular, Venom Z, or Kindle 44 (better of the three) and have bomb-stoppers as a perk with it. You will also have a crate or two that will give you ammo throughout the boss fight.

The boss fight consists mostly of wave after wave of enemies coming after you. You will start in a small area where you will have a bunch of closed containers around you. A laser will start shooting at each one of them, releasing 4-5 rhinos (one at a time), which you will need to kill. It's a good idea to kill them fast, that way, you won't get overwhelmed with them, since the laser will release one randomly. When the last rhino is dead, you will need to go through one of the containers to get to a teleport area.

There will be a bunch of portals along the wall. Normal cryptids will be spawning in through the portal and you will need to kill every one of them. When a few portals shut down, you will start getting Blue cryptids, followed by rhinos as more portals shut down. When the last one is down, depending on how many players are in the game will determine how many computers you will need to activate within a short time of one another. When it's done right, the big machine gun will blow a hole in one of the containers near the area you first spawned in at. A computer will be in it now, so all you need to do is run up to it and press cn_X on the computer. A timer will start to count down from 100 seconds. Survive the timer and kill everything that spawns in, then go back up to the same computer and press cn_X again on it to bring out the blue rhinos (this will be the final round).

These rhinos will have tons of health, but they will also bleed this blue fire that would not go away until you kill both of them. Be careful, as the flames are an instant kill. You will also have cryptids spawn in as well after some time, so keep an eye out for them. When you finally kill both of the rhinos, you will have a cut scene as well as unlocking:

The End?

In The Beast From Beyond, collect the final piece of the Soul Key.

The End?

Online Game Mode Single Player Cooperative Collectable

For the other achievements, you can either keep going on with the game you're in now, or start a fresh one.

Go around the map and pull at least 1 zombie with you at the 5 different traps for the Failed M aintenance achievement.

One location is close to the spawn. You'll be looking for a freezer with a squid thing in it:

trap 1

The 2nd trap will be in the water room. I will be just part of the way up the steps, just be careful no one is in the water, since it's going to affect it:

trap 2

The 3rd trap will be in the hallway next to the Bombstoppers. This trap will spawn lasers out in the hallway, they are spaced out enough for you to stay safe as long as you run and stop when need to:

trap 3a
trap 3b

The 4th trap will be outside, be careful going through the hallway:

trap 4

The 5th one is in the theatre, just go through the portal in the cargo room and it'll be on the right:

trap 5

When the last trap kills the zombie, you'll unlock:

Now for the music one. There are 15 astronaut dolls to shoot around the map, some you will need a sniper to be able to see. I also recommend bringing a partner to make it less frustrating when you're aiming/looking for them.

That said, go to the revive station in the spawn and go down the stairs. The first one is tucked under the stairs:

doll 1a
doll 1b

The 2nd is located in the rafters in the cargo room. You'll be able to see it if you go to the side the portal is on then look up:

doll 2a
doll 2b

From the cargo room, head out, instead of going up the stairs, go through the hallway that leads outside, but turn right instead of left to see #3 under the floor:

doll 3a
doll 3b

Head to the main room. Close to bombstoppers will be a set of stairs, to the left there will be #4 tucked in the pipes:

doll 6

For #5, jump down towards NEIL's head, but when you get on the ledge, turn around and look down:

doll 4a
doll 4b

Now head to the window NEIL was close to for #6. You will need to jump for this one:

doll 5a
doll 5b

Now head outside and #7 will be out there:

doll 7

#8 will be in the building across from the Pack-A-Punch. It should be in the 2nd window from the left, look for a white dot, that should be the head of the doll:

doll 8

Do a 180 turn. You will see #9 on the mountain outside of the map:

doll 9

Now head behind the Pack-A-Punch for #10:

doll 10

Head to the theatre through the portal in the Cargo Bay, then head to the bathroom for #11 in the trashcan next to the door inside:

doll 11a
doll 11b

Bo back to the room you first enter when you go through the portal, then follow the stairs up to a green window and you should see #12 laying against the wall:

doll 12a
doll 12b
doll 12c

Go to the streets. On the way you'll pass a ticket booth where one is hidden, you'll need to jump to see it:

doll 13a
doll 13b

From there, head to the border along the right side. Up on a fire escape, you'll see the white of the head:

doll 14b
doll 14a

Now the final one is hard to see as well. Head back to the main room, but don't head inside. Look for the grate I have circled and look down it. You might have to go prone to see it, or angle yourself just right, but you should be able to see the head:

doll 15a
doll 15b

When you hit the last one, you should hear the soundtrack playing and unlock:

Broken Record

In The Beast From Beyond, unlock the hidden song.

Broken Record

2 guides Online Game Mode Single Player Cooperative Collectable

Now for the final skull buster game, you will need to grab the first two skulls which you will need to do for a few of these achievements as well as for the easter egg. The first skull you will need to look for is the one in the fuse box. Cook a grenade before throwing at it to pop it open, then shoot the skull. Locations are in the water room:


The main room:


And finally, the cargo room:


The next one will be the in the cargo room, you will need to step on a red X that will spawn and how many will depend on how many people are in the game. An easy way to do this is with the paw and have Bombstoppers, so when it starts getting hard, just shoot the floor below you and you should be able to get rid of the zombies. Just watch out for how much ammo you have in your clip so you don't have to reload with a zombie two steps away from you. You can't run off the spot, otherwis,e you will fail and need to try again in the next round.

Anyway, the locations are below. Just step on them until you see a green circle around you telling you are on it fully:


When the skull in the middle has reached the highest point, it will teleport somewhere in the room and you will just have to do a quick sweep for it.

The 3rd skull can be messed up easily since a lot of us want to aim down the sights, this is where mistakes can happen. There will be 4 symbols around the map and you will just need to find the odd one out that isn't on the same line to the picture below, the odd one out is the one you want to and shoot at:

3rd skull help

So the way this works, let's say you have found 3 symbols in the first line which is line A, this means the 1 symbol that matches to one of the ones on the 2nd line which is Line B is the one you will want to aim and shoot at for the skull.

The locations are in the green window in the theatre area:

3rd skull A

Ticket booth door in the theatre area:

3rd skull B

At the spawn will be a window by NEIL:

3rd skull C

Go around to the 2nd window next to the trap:

3rd skull D

The Medic bay will have one right under the table:

3rd skull E

The last spot will be in the cargo bay on the lower level:

3rd skull F

When you get the right symbol, head back to the room on the catwalk and stand on the red X:

4th skull

A skull will appear in front of you. As soon as you run up to it, a blue bar will show at the bottom of your screen. You will need to follow a path that matches the colour of your skull, without going off the path or stopping for too long. When you get to the main room and pick up the skull, you finish this step.

The 5th skull will require you to do a puzzle with 8 queens. You will need to find the 7 other queens around the map. Below will be the location of the first queen will, you need to drop off the ones you find:

5th skull

You will always be able to move the queens you place down but never the one that spawns there. The point of this is to place a queen where it wont be attacked by another. If you are like me and completely suck at chess, it means you can't place a queen that is on a diagonal or straight path to another queen. If you get stuck, use this solver, credit goes to the creator:

Just click where the first queen is and hit solve and it'll tell you where to place the rest. So now the locations.

One will be between the spawn and the board, tucked between wall and sofa:

5th skull A

Another will be on the counter to the left of the board:

5th skull D

Head outside from that area and you will see a spot to the right (left if you're coming in), like the one below:

5th skull B

In the main room, another will be near the bombstoppers:

5th skull C

Across the hole in the floor:

5th skull H

Go up to the 2nd floor that leads outside and it'll be in a corner:

5th skull I

Go to the medic room and look under the table corner that sticks out closer to the middle of the room:

5th skull K

The next will be in the room next to that on a scale:


In the cargo bay, another will be to the side on the lower floor:

5th skull G

At the spawn, there will be one heading towards it from the water room:

5th skull J

The final spot will be up in a little cubby area tucked in a corner:

5th skull Ea
5th skull Eb

When that is done and solved, there will now be some small pieces of paper together. You will need to pay attention to the ripped corner/sides since in the next step, you will find 3 of these pieces and put them together. If you need to, screenshot and/or draw each of them down so you will know what order they go in, besides going from left to right.

The first location is near or under a tray, so you might need to shoot it in the cafeteria:

6th skull E

Go to the medic bay and one will be across from the alien on a counter:

6th skull B

Another will be in the small room next to where a floppy disc is:

5th skull F

Go into the theatre and one will be in the sink in the washroom:

6th skull D

Another is on the snack counter:

6th skull C

The final spot will be in the Pack-A-Punch:

6th skull A

Head to the game room in the theatre and punch the code in using your D-pad. If you input it wrong, you will need to complete a round, then try again. When you do go in there, you just need to hook as much of the same colour skulls together before throwing the same colour nuke at them to get rid of them. Do this for 3 waves and you will unlock:

Now if you do the first round and make all the skulls the same colour that are in the same row, you will also get another achievement:

Super Duper Combo

When playing Skullbreaker, build a combo of size 10 or larger.

Super Duper Combo

1 guide Online Game Mode Single Player Cooperative

If you failed at this, you can just repeat the 6th skull to be able to enter again. However, there is a card that allows you to enter. Don't use it, since it'll mess up the achievement and you won't get it.

Head over to the computer near the Pack-A-Punch and change it so it's showing 1970's on it. A portal will appear to the left of it:

MS 1

With the Entangler, go to the red dumpster in the theatre area and pull out a vial:

MS 2

You will need to carry that message all the way back to that portal and toss it in the portal, unlocking:

Message Sent

In The Beast From Beyond, send the Turnstile back to the past.

Message Sent

1 guide Online Game Mode Single Player Cooperative Collectable

Now for getting and upgrading Venom-X. If you need to, you can start a fresh game so you're on a low round or stay in the one you're in now. First, you will need to have access to the Pack-A-punch. Go in and out to get the phantom cryptid, then run over to the water room. You will need to activate the trap there and make sure you hit him at least once with it. Go back to the main room, the power box should be open with 6 buttons to press. Keep trying and through trial and error, you should get the right combination. If you get it wrong, you will have to do a full round and deal with a cryptid spawning in. You can also use this website linked below (credit to the creator again) to figure it out. You will also want to keep that open, since it'll help with the other step and upgrading too:

venom 5

After you pass that step, you will need to trap a zombie. Train 1 over to the pad on the floor. Use this terminal to trap it:

venom 5

When it's in there, run up the steps close to bombstoppers to reach 3 computers. You will need to go to each of them and move the red square to the blue diamond. If you fail here you will need to complete the round and try again:

venom 6

Once again, that website above will help a lot here. Now that you have the Venom-X you should unlock:

Egg Slayer

In The Beast From Beyond, equip the Venom-X.

Egg Slayer

Online Game Mode Single Player Cooperative Collectable

Now to upgrade it to the Venom-Z. We will need to do the Venom-Y upgrade first. If you're like me and completely suck at translating Morse code, I'll have a picture below that helps to tell which letter has those dot and dash sounds. Other than that, record and pause your game while figuring out the word you need, as this may help a bit. The link above will also help again:

morse code

The first one will be as soon as you pass bangbangs, there will be a terminal that you need to go to first to get your phrase:

venom 4

The 2nd one you will need to go to will be right below bangbangs:

venom 3

Punch those in to get a message saying you will need to 'kill (#) of cryptids'. You will need to put in the number you need to kill into a terminal located above bombstoppers. The red button on the left is to send dots out while the one on the right is to send dashes:

venom 1
venom 2

When that is in, the Venom-X on your pop up menu should change to Venom-Y. Now with one zombie trapped (or a partner training it) in a different room, go to the Pack-A-Punch and keep popping in and out to get your kills with the Venom-X. When it hits 100%, you can go and upgrade it to the Venom-Y. Go to the 2 terminals in the same order to get your next Morse code, doing the same steps you've just done to start the Venom-Y. You will now see you have it saying 'kill (#) special zombies and kill (#) hidden zombies'. Punch that number into the Morse code terminal to change where it said Venom-Y to Venom-Z.

For the special zombies, it could be cryptids or clowns, doesn't really matter. You can kill both, but check till it says 50% on your pop up menu. When it does, you will just need the hidden zombies. Go to the terminal near the Pack-A-Punch:

MS 1

Change it tothe 1950's. There will be now those black blobs speeding around for you. Go to the Pack-A-Punch but don't go into it, just stand around in front of it and kill those blobs for your hidden zombies. If they go away or you fail that part, just go back to the terminal and reset it to the 1950's till you reach 100% on your pop up menu. Go in the Pack-A-Punch room and upgrade it, unlocking:

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